Yolanda, a single mother, has had an infection of one of her eyes for almost two months now. Because of the infection her eye was red and very irritated. The infection is easy to cure with eye drops, but she did not have the money to buy it. Yolanda got eye drops and the infection disappeared quickly. Unfortunately she had to be treated another time since the infection got back a little later.
The costs for the medication and the treatment are 10 euro.
Donate online or send your donation to: Bank account number: 1114.80.035
Stichting Sparrow in Oldekerk, The Netherlands
Please mention ‘Medical Fund’
Sparrow is recognized as an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). This means that gifts to Sparrow are tax deductible. For more information about this arrangement visit the website of the belastingdienst.