End poverty by 2015. This is the historic promise 189 world leaders made at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000 when they signed onto the Millennium Declaration and agreed to meet the “Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).” The MDGs are an eight-point road map with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the world’s poorest people. World leaders have agreed to achieve the MDGs by 2015. (http://www.endpoverty2015.org/)
The eight Millennium Development Goals are:
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
Goal 5: Improve maternal health
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
National Progress Level versus Regions Progress Levels
The Philippines is on track to meet the MDGs at national level. At the National Progress Level the Philippines is scoring high in meeting MDGs 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7. However, the Regions Progress Levels of the Philippines are less positive in meeting the MDGs. A few regions in the Philippines are much stronger developed than other regions and these regions distort the National Progress Level.
Sparrow is working in region 4B of the Philippines. The Progress Level of this region is less positive in meeting the MDGs. Region 4B is only on track in meeting MDG 4. In the other MDGs there is low progress or a little but not sufficient. In the table below you can see the progress in Sparrow’s working area for each MDG and her indicators. The probability of attaining the targets is given in three classes: high, medium and low. For more information about Philippines and the MDGs you can have a look at the website of the UNDP Philippines Country Office.