

Sheila, one of Sparrow’s students in grade 2, suffers a lot from lice. Since she scratched so much the skin of her head is now covered with infected little wounds. We took her to the pediatrician who prescribed several medications and an anti-lice shampoo. The costs...
Scrap metal campaign

Scrap metal campaign

To finance its medical projects Sparrow organized a: SCRAP METAL CAMPAIGN You can bring your scrap metal to the Kuzemerweg 24 in Oldekerk or contact Bertwillem Renkema, phonenumber: 06-13698267. Sparrow is a Dutch Christian organization, which was founded by Remco and...

Praise service

On Sunday May 9th, 2010 there will be a praise service in the PKN Ontmoetingskerk in Marum, for Sparrow. The theme is “Meeting God, the other nearby and far away.” During this service we will meet several people in Lazareto with the help of story’s, a movie and...